Meet the eAtlas Team

Developing a complex web project like the eAtlas requires a creative and multidisciplinary team. The core eAtlas development team combines expertise in systems development, programming, biostatistics, web technology, content management systems, environmental sciences, and communication. The core development team is shown below in alphabetical order:

  • Eric Lawrey 2013

    Dr Eric Lawrey - 2008 - Present

    Eric is a Computer Systems Engineer with extensive experience in the development of distributed systems. He has worked as a researcher, developer, team leader, and business analyst. Eric leads the eAtlas Team and is responsible for the mapping engine of the eAtlas and data preparation.

  • Gael Lafond

    Mr Gael Lafond - 2010 - Present

    Gael is a Computer Systems Engineer. He has been involved in CMS and Web site management for the last 10 years. Gael is responsible for the eAtlas web site and mapping and previously with the Ningaloo Atlas Web site.

  • Mrs Kate Osborne - 2011 - 2014

    Kate is a Marine Biologist and part of the Long Term Monitoring Program team at AIMS. Kate is responsible for editing text content for project summaries and meta-data pages as well as development of written content for the eAtlas.

  • Libby Evans-Illidge - 2011 - 2014

    Manage consultation, contents planning, content writing and editing, Torres Strait outreach.

  • Glenn De'ath

    Dr Glenn De’ath - 2008 - 2011

    Glenn is a statistician and ecological modeller. His research and interests are in statistical methods for community ecology, machine learning, statistical software and open source software. He was a Principal Research Scientist at the Australian Institute of Marine Science.

  • Roland Pitcher, Tim Skewes, Ian McCleod - 2011 - 2014

    Facilitate upload of CSIRO Torres Strait data holdings, content planning, data output design

Thanks go to the following people for ideas and various contributions (in alphabetic order):