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    This record provides an overview of the NESP Marine and Coastal Hub small-scale study - "Scoping Study: New Approaches to Marine Monitoring". Australia’s has the third largest marine estate of any country in the world. Much of our marine and coastal resources are in offshore or sparsely populated areas meaning that our ability to monitor and assess our environmental resources and values is particularly challenging. To maximise our understanding of our marine and coastal environment, we need to take advantage of emerging technologies and approaches. This includes citizen science, community monitoring and Indigenous Rangers. In particular, it is expected that these groups will utilise the same technologies as mainstream science, thus these emerging technologies can bridge the gaps between science and community science to operate in unity. This project provides a series of workshops and engagement processes to best explore how to most effectively deploy technologies and community science programs to achieve maximum benefit and synergy in environmental monitoring. Planned Outputs • Final report with analysis and a short summary of recommendations for policy makers of key findings [written]