FIgure 1 Sweatman Cots Zoning
© courtesy AIMS LTMP
The numbers of reefs “at risk” of outbreaks north of Cairns 2012-2014, that were found to have, or not to have outbreaks when surveyed by manta tow. Bars with solid fill indicate reefs with outbreaks, hatched bars represent reefs where starfish densities were below outbreak levels.
Using AIMS’ manta tow data (mainly collected as part of NERP TE Project 1.1), an outbreak was taken to mean having a density of starfish >0.22 per tow (incipient or Active outbreak levels). Reefs were considered to be open to fishing if any part of their area was open to fishing, so reefs with split zoning (such as Lizard Is) were considered to be open to fishing.
Image produced for the project