Sandfish lifecycle
Life cycle of sandfish based on cultured situations.
Larvae metamorphose through the non-feedling doiliolaria stage and the pentactula stage over ~14 days.
The pentactula stage develops tentacles and settles as juveniles with a reference for seagrass habitat. Very little is known of wild larval movement and settlement processes.
Juveniles explore sand habitats at 5 - 10 mm long. Growth is poorly understood but generally considered to be slow. Timing of maturity as adults is poorly known.
Adults are broadcast spawners releasing pelatic propagules. Spawning frequency varies from annually (usually Spring-Summer) to year round near the eqator. Spawing onset appears linked to rising Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and possibly lunar cycles.
Eggs hatch after 24 jours into the feeding auricularia planktonic larval stage. Laval stages are reared in water temperatures of 26 - 29 degrees C.