NESP TWQ Round 2 - Project 2.1.10 - The application and adaption of mine site rehabilitation approaches to alluvial gully rehabilitation in the Bowen Catchment

Region map

This project will develop the partnerships and the institutional framework for implementing large scale innovative rehabilitation works which aim to directly reduce sediment supply from the large alluvial gullies on the lower Bowen River. These gullies are the largest single source of suspended sediment loads into the Great Barrier Reef (GBR). The project will work directly with mining companies who are some of the largest grazing landholders along the section of the Bowen River with the highest concentration of large alluvial gullies. The central premise underpinning the strategy is that large scale alluvial gully rehabilitation has many similarities to mine site rehabilitation, and such techniques are more appropriate for tackling this major GBR sediment source than grazing BMPs. The strategy aims to draw upon the mine site rehabilitation experience and expertise, applying and adapting mine rehabilitation approaches in combination with more traditional gully management approaches to the rehabilitation of alluvial gullies.

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