NESP TWQ Round 2 - Project 2.1.2 - Scoping options for low-lying, marginal cane land to reduce DIN in priority wet tropics catchments

Region map

This project will explore alternative land use options to reduce nitrogen losses from marginal sugarcane land in priority wet tropics catchments. The Wet Tropics Water Quality Improvement Plan (WQIP) identified that complete adoption of sugarcane best management practices would be insufficient to achieve the nitrogen load reductions needed to meet the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) Water Quality Guidelines. We will map low-lying, marginal cane land with community and industry partners, identify possible alternate uses, quantify the economic costs and benefits of land transition (in terms of alternate income streams), identify constraints and opportunities for alternative land uses to reduce nitrogen.

NESP TWQ Project Page



5 February 2024

This project will explore alternative land use options to reduce nitrogen losses from marginal sugarcane land in priority wet tropics catchments. The Wet Tropics Water Quality Improvement Plan (WQIP) identified that complete adoption of sugarcane best management practices would be insufficient to achieve the nitrogen load reductions needed to meet the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) Water Quality Guidelines.