NESP TWQ Round 3 - Project 3.1.7 - Reducing Sediment loads to the Great Barrier Reef – developing optimal approaches for treating alluvial gully erosion

Region map

Alluvial gullies have been shown to be major sources of fine sediment and nutrients to the GBR lagoon, and yet to date there is no accepted practice as to how these major pollution sources can be stabilised and rehabilitated. Working in collaboration with delivery partners implementing gully rehabilitation works through the Reef Trust phases 2 and 4, and various other gully mitigation programs currently being developed by Greening Australia, WWF and GBRF, this project will develop a series of large field trials that will test the effectiveness of different treatments for large active alluvial gully rehabilitation in different soil types in different catchments. These trials will complement similar research effort currently underway through NESP on hillslope gullies.

NESP TWQ Project Page




5 February 2024

Alluvial gullies have been shown to be major sources of fine sediment and nutrients to the GBR lagoon, and yet to date there is no accepted practice as to how these major pollution sources can be stabilised and rehabilitated.