NESP TWQ Round 4 - Project 4.9 – Gully Characterisation Framework to underpin GBR Catchment Water Quality Management
In this project we will compile a database of gullies from across Queensland as a tool for communicating the diversity of gullies that exist in the landscape, but also the common elements from within this diversity, where they exist. Using this database we will develop a gully classification system to ensure that there is a common language used by researchers, land holders, land managers and practitioners when identifying gullies for management intervention. This will also form the basis for subsequent automated gully mapping according to gully type. We will also develop a first order decision tool to guide land managers towards the sorts of management options that may be appropriate for the gullies in question. Whilst this will not be a design guideline, it will help to ensure that the range of management options are narrowed down by managers before specialist advice is sought. A checklist of design considerations will also be developed that will ensure that managers undertake the appropriate level of design work for the required intervention. To some extent this project will document and formalise the knowledge and decision making processes that are currently undertaken by the specialist technical advisory team to the Reef Trust Programme.
In this project we will compile a database of gullies from across Queensland as a tool for communicating the diversity of gullies that exist in the landscape, but also the sommon elements from within this diversity, where they exist. Using this database we will develop a gully classification system to ensure that there is a common language used by researchers, land holders, land managers and practioners when identifying gullies for management intervention. This will also form the basis for subsequent automated gully mapping according to gully type.