Dr Cordelia Moore
Cordelia is the Scientific Editor of the North West Atlas and a joint Research Associate with Curtin University, the Australian Institute of Marine Science and Western Australian Fisheries. Cordelia’s research is focused on assessing and improving the spatial management of our marine environment. Currently she is leading a large collaborative research effort examining the sustainable management Australia’s north-west marine region.
Author of
Published on 16 September 2016

See what's happening during biodiversity month in Australia's unique north west marine region.
Published on 16 June 2016

To-date, little attention has been paid to the social values associated with marine parks. However, understanding peoples’ needs and values is essential for effective marine park planning and management.
Published on 27 January 2016

The ocean's colour is a reflection of its composition. Researchers, currently at sea, are measuring Kimberley seawater to see how accurately remote measurements (e.g. satellite imagery) reflect ocean composition.
Published on 4 December 2015

In a remote marine environment, dominated by gushing tides and swirling waters, diverse and unique marine communities have remained hidden until now…
Published on 3 November 2015

Coral reefs in north west Australia provide the perfect opportunity to study the effects of warming events in a region not heavily impacted by humans.