Traditional Knowledge is Facilitating Climate Change Adaptation in Torres Strait (MTSRF Synthesis Report)

As part of its commitment under Theme 5 of the MTSRF, the Reef and Rainforest Research Centre publishes, or makes available, outputs (e.g. final technical or scientific reports, synthesis reports) from MTSRF-funded research projects nested within Research Themes 1-4.
Researchers funded through the Australian Government’s Marine and Tropical Sciences Research Facility (MTSRF) have worked closely with Torres Strait communities to improve our understanding of both the vulnerability of Torres Strait islands to climate change, and their adaptation capacity.
As part of its commitment under Theme 5 of the MTSRF, the Reef and Rainforest Research Centre publishes, or makes available, outputs (e.g. final technical or scientific reports, synthesis reports) from MTSRF-funded research projects nested within Research Themes 1-4.
The following summary is an extract from:
Long, S. (2010) Traditional knowledge is facilitating climate change adaptation in Torres Strait. Synthesis Report prepared for the Marine and Tropical Sciences Research Facility (MTSRF). Published by Reef & Rainforest Research Centre Ltd., Cairns (14pp.).
Executive Summary:
Researchers funded through the Australian Government’s Marine and Tropical Sciences Research Facility (MTSRF) have worked closely with Torres Strait communities to improve our understanding of both the vulnerability of Torres Strait islands to climate change, and their adaptation capacity.
Traditional knowledge is a valuable asset in observing and managing environmental change, and Torres Strait Islanders are no exception: they have used traditional knowledge to adapt to biophysical changes in their environment for centuries (McNamara et al. 2010c). The research results show that traditional ecological knowledge and practices are already helping to facilitate climate change adaptation in the Torres Strait. Incorporation of traditional ecological knowledge and practices into future adaptation plans for the region is likely to increase the chances of adoption and success in terms of building community resilience to environmental change. This story from the Torres Strait contains lessons that are likely to be transferable to traditional island communities facing environmental challenges in many other parts of the world.
Related Articles/Items:
- MTSRF Program 3 Torres Strait: Status, Use and Trends (RRRC website)
- Other MTSRF Synthesis Products (RRRC website)