NESP TWQ Round 4 - Project 4.5 - Guidance system for resilience-based management of the Great Barrier Reef

Region map

Reefs vary in their risk of damage, recoverability, and responsiveness to management. Deciding where to prioritise action to maximise reef health is complex. This project delivers a guidance system to implement Resilience-Based Management and demonstrates its application in the Whitsunday and Cairns regions. The guidance system will constitute a desktop software that enables users to prioritise which reefs to manage, and potentially restore, in order to maximise ecological and socio-economic outcomes. Outputs will help GBRMPA (1) make tactical and dynamic decisions; (2) provide scenarios of reef futures to support the 2019 Outlook reporting, (3) support RIMReP by identifying target reef recovery rates; and (4) contribute to the Integrated Pest Management system to control COTS.

NESP TWQ Project Page




5 February 2024

Reefs vary in their risk of damage, recoverability, and responsiveness to management. Deciding where to prioritise action to maximise reef health is complex. This project delivers a guidance system to implement Resilience-Based Management and demonstrates its application in the Whitsunday and Cairns regions. The guidance system will constitute a desktop software that enables users to prioritise which reefs to manage, and potentially restore, in order to maximise ecological and socio-economic outcomes.

30 November 2020

This dataset shows larval connectivities between reefs that exceeded, and did not exceed, thermal thresholds for damage during the 2016/2017 Great Barrier Reef bleaching events. The loss of reproductive adult colonies during bleaching events has the implication that coral cover recovery will require the supply of coral larvae from external sources (other reefs).