The distribution of estuarine tidal habitats including mangrove forests, saltmarshes, estuaries and listed Ramsar sites.
The distribution of estuarine tidal habitats including mangrove forests, saltmarshes, estuaries and listed Ramsar sites. Source: Queensland EHP (2017), Queensland DSITI (2015), Queensland DEEDI (2010).
Environment and Heritage Protection, Queensland Government (2017). Ramsar Sites - Queensland [Dataset].
Department of Science, Information Technology and Innovation, Queensland Government (2015), Wetland data - version 4 - wetland areas - Queensland [Dataset].{135EB151-D406-4094-9E9F-40ABC5AA0C7B}.
Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation, Queensland Government. (2010) Queensland Coastal Wetlands (Mangroves, saltpans, smaphire), 1987 - 1997 (DEEDI) [Dataset].