NERP TE Project 12.4 - Governance, planning and the effective application of emerging ecosystem service markets: climate change adaptation and landscape resilience (JCU)

Project summary

This project will work with a range of stakeholders to identify the most effective governance systems for managing climate change adaptation in the Wet Tropics through the emergence of new ecosystem service markets. The project will directly contribute to: Regional climate change adaptation policies and planning processes, Regional Natural Resource Management (NRM) organisations' role in guiding emerging carbon markets in Australia and the region.

Sugar cane
Rainforest canopy

Why we need this research

Emerging carbon farming legislation is driving the need for new arrangements to guide carbon-based and other ecosystem services markets. In the face of climate change, we need to better understand how we can better integrate landscape planning with biodiversity conservation to take advantage of these markets. The project will provide stronger regional partnerships and knowledge to guide these emerging ecosystem services markets and build capacity within the region to capitalize on these markets.

Research user focus

The outcomes of the project will be useful to a range of stakeholder organisations including regional NRM bodies and state and Australian Government agencies. Research-users include Terrain NRM, Cape York Peninsula NRM, Wet Tropics Management Authority, the Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning, Far North Queensland Regional Organisation of Councils and the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities.


This project will deliver tangible benefits that will:

  • Result in higher-quality regional NRM plans over the next three years
  • Guide the emerging ecosystem services market
  • Build capacity within the region to mobilise access to this market
  • Contribute to national and state policy on NRM planning and ecosystem services markets.

Reports, Publications and News


For more information see Project 12.4 'Governance, planning and the effective application of emerging ecosystem service markets to secure climate change adaptation and landscape resilience in far north Queensland' on the NERP Tropical Ecosystems Hub site.



21 January 2015

This project involved working with a range of stakeholders to identify the most effective governance systems for managing climate change adaptation in the Wet Tropics through the emergence of new ecosystem service markets, including Carbon Farming. The project will directly contribute to: Regional climate change adaptation policies and planning processes, Regional Natural Resource Management (NRM) organisations’ role in guiding emerging carbon markets in Australia and the region.

This project developed: