NESP TWQ Round 2 - Project 2.2.2 - Impacts of mine derived pollution on Torres Strait environments and communities

Region map

This study addresses concerns regarding the impacts of mine-derived pollution on the marine resources of the Torres Strait. Using state of the art procedures, trace metal concentrations in marine waters and sediments will be determined at locations across the Torres Strait. Chemical signatures of mine pollution will be measured in waters and sediments and hotspots of contamination identified. The water quality data generated will allow informed management decisions to be made on how to best address trans-boundary mining related pollution.

NESP TWQ Project Page




5 February 2024

This study addresses concerns regarding the impacts of mine-derived pollution on the marine resources of the Torres Strait. Using state of the art procedures, trace metal concentrations in marine waters and sediments will be determined at locations across the Torres Strait. Chemical signatures of mine pollution will be measured in waters and sediments and hotspots of contamination identified. The water quality data generated will allow informed management decisions to be made on how to best address trans-boundary mining related pollution.

13 May 2019

This dataset summarises the results of a survey to determine the concentration of trace metals from mine-derived pollution in marine waters and sediments across the Torres Strait during October 2016. Sampling was performed by a CSIRO team between 3 and 16 October 2016 on board the MV Eclipse. Surface water samples were collected from 21 sites using strict sampling protocols that are designed to minimise contamination (USEPA, 1996; Angel et al., 2010b).


10 May 2019

This dataset summarises the results of a survey of water quality and suspended solid metal data for ten (10) sites around Saibai and Boigu Islands in the Torres Strait during November 2018. This is the second survey for this project, where the first survey identified the area around Saibai as having elevated metal concentrations compared to other areas of the Torres Strait. This survey was conducted to investigate this finding. Water samples were collected from five sites around Saibai Island and five sites around Boigu Island.