Deprecated - NERP TE project metadata submission to eAtlas (May 2013)

This page is deprecated. Please follow the Submitting data to the eAtlas. This page is retained for historic purposes.

Original article:

Over the life of the NERP TE program each project is required to complete a metadata describing the project itself and metadata records describing each of the dataset produced by the project.

This guide describes the creation and supplying of metadata describing just the project itself (referred to as the 'project metadata record') and not the datasets produced by this project; these will come later as each dataset is developed. These subsequent dataset records will be attached and linked to the project metadata record being described here.

This guide is intended to be used inconjuction with the project-metadata-template excel spreadsheet containing the metadata information itself. Below is the generic version of this template. For NERP TE projects this template will be pre-populated by the eAtlas team and you will receive a copy via email.

Information added to the excel template will be converted to ISO19115 records by the eAtlas team.