Inter-reef gardens (sponges + gorgonians) (Incomplete)
This map shows the connectivity of Inter-reef gardens (sponges + gorgonians) (Incomplete) in the Great Barrier Reef and its surrounding areas: Torres Strait, Coral Sea and Great Sandy regions. The arrows indicate the strength and nature of the connection between the regions. This map is intended to identify where one region is dependent on a neighbouring region.
Additional notes: This map is in-complete due to lack of knowledge about the connectivity between the inter-reefal habitats. Distribution of sponges and octocorals beyond GBR not well known. Life histories also not well known. The connectivity shown in the map is based on assumptions of strong northerly wind driven currents and the assumption that most spawning occurs Oct - Dec.
The data for this map was developed based on expert opinion (Maria Zann, Paul Marshall).