Recent datasets

Published on 30 March 2023

This record provides an overview of the NESP Marine and Coastal Hub study - Project 3.5 – Supporting regional planning in northern Australia: Building knowledge, skills and partnerships for understanding seagrass distribution. For specific data outputs from this project, please see child records associated with this metadata.

Published on 28 March 2023

This record provides an overview of the NESP Marine and Coastal Hub small-scale study - Project 3.2 - Developing a National Indigenous Environmental Research Network – Marine and Coastal research case studies. For specific data outputs from this project, please see child records associated with this metadata.

Published on 3 February 2023

The Great Barrier Reef Marine Monitoring Program for Inshore Water Quality (MMP WQ) has monitored inshore water quality of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) lagoon since 2005 through the collection of in situ water chemistry data, along with time-series of temperature, salinity, fluorescence, and turbidity. This program is a partnership between the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, the Australian Government, the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS), James Cook University (JCU), and the Cape York Water Partnership (CYWP).

Published on 3 February 2023

This metadata record describes vertical profile data from Conductivity Temperature and Depth (CTD) profilers collected through in situ monitoring by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Monitoring Program for Inshore Water Quality (MMP WQ). A full description of the MMP WQ and its associated datasets can be found in the parent metadata record linked above.

Published on 9 January 2023

This dataset summarises benthic surveys in Marra Sea Country, including the Limmen Marine Park (Commonwealth) and Limmen Bight Marine Park (Northern Territory) into 4 GIS shapefiles.

Published on 9 November 2022

Vegetation and Elevation surveys were conducted at four sites in the Gulf of Carpenteria to provided crucial validation of observations made from aerial surveys and provided further significant insights of the impacts and subsequent changes that occurred across the Gulf coastline up to late 2019.

Published on 9 November 2022

This dataset is an extract and collation of 4 months of data from the Craft Tracking System run by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA). This dataset shows the location of cargo ships, fishing vessels, passenger ships, pilot vessels, sailing boats, tankers and other vessel types at 1 hour intervals.

The Craft Tracking System (CTS) and Mariweb are AMSA’s vessel traffic databases. They collect vessel traffic data from a variety of sources, including terrestrial and satellite shipborne Automatic Identification System (AIS) data sources.

Published on 9 November 2022

This dataset consists of the historical range limits and poleward-most extent of recent extralimital occurrence of 82 potential marine species’ range extensions around Australia (NSW, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC and WA) revealed by an assessment of citizen scientists observations from Redmap, Reef Life Survey, and iNaturalist from 2013–2022.

Published on 9 November 2022

This dataset shows the tiling grid and their Row and Path IDs for Landsat 4 - 9 satellite imagery. The IDs are useful for selecting imagery of an area of interest. Landsat 4 - 9 are a series of Earth observation satellites, part of the US Landsat program aimed at monitoring Earth's land surfaces since 1982.

Published on 9 November 2022

This project investigated the cause of the extensive areas of mangroves across the Gulf of Carpentaria which died in late 2015. Images from local fisherman showed extended impacted areas of more than 1,000 km where at least 7,400ha of mangroves had died in a matter of months. The project mapped the extent of the mass die-back, conducted aerial surveys to quantify shoreline condition, field studies to validate remote assessments and engaged with local aboriginal ranger groups to raise capacity for monitoring.

Published on 9 November 2022

This dataset consists of an Excel spreadsheet representing an expert elicitation process of determining priority research areas for the decommissioning of ocean-based oil and gas structures. Further description of this process is provided in the 'Offshore decommissioning horizon scan: Research priorities to support decision-making activities for oil and gas infrastructure' paper by Sarah Watson et. al. 2023

Published on 9 November 2022

This dataset contains 63 shapefiles that represent the areas of relevance for each research project under the National Environmental Science Program Marine and Coastal Hub, northern and southern node projects for Rounds 1, 2 & 3.

Published on 9 November 2022

The major estuaries and their tidal wetlands of the Gulf of Carpentaria were impacted by mass dieback of mangroves in 2015-2016. To assess the full extent of the dieback and the major changes in the wetland areas, surveys in 2017 and 2019 were conducted along 31–37 major estuary mouths.

Published on 9 November 2022

This dataset consists of seagrass shoot height and biomass assessments from an experiment which compared control plots to exclusion cage plots which prevented megaherbivore grazing. This experiment ran at two sites from September 2021 to April 2022.

Published on 8 November 2022

This record provides an overview of the NESP Marine and Coastal Hub small-scale study - NESP Marine and Coastal Hub scoping study: New approaches to monitoring.

Published on 27 October 2022

This dataset contains Sentinel 2 and Landsat 8 cloud free composite satellite images of the Coral Sea reef areas and some parts of the Great Barrier Reef. It also contains raw depth contours derived from the satellite imagery. This dataset was developed as the base information for mapping the boundaries of reefs and coral cays in the Coral Sea. It is likely that the satellite imagery is useful for numerous other applications. The full source code is available and can be used to apply these techniques to other locations.

Published on 1 October 2022

This dataset contains both large (A0) printable maps of the Torres Strait broken into six overlapping regions, based on a clear sky, clear water composite Sentinel 2 composite imagery and the imagery used to create these maps. These maps show satellite imagery of the region, overlaid with reef and island boundaries and names. Not all features are named, just the more prominent features. This also includes a vector map of Ashmore Reef and Boot Reef in Coral Sea as these were used in the same discussions that these maps were developed for.

Published on 1 September 2022

This vulnerability map results from integrating the spatial pattern of the following stressors: cyclonic waves, currents, cyclone tracks, heatwaves (DHW), crown of thorns starfish, and tsunamis. After summarizing historical data and reclassifying each variable into a common scale, they were integrated into a single vulnerability score whose spatial distribution is represented in this map.

Published on 8 June 2022

This dataset summarises 40 years of seagrass data collection (1983-2022) within Torres Strait and the Gulf of Carpentaria into two GIS shapefiles: (1) a point shapefile that includes survey data for 48,612 geolocated sites, and (2) a polygon geopackage describing seagrass at 641 individual or composite meadows.

Published on 27 May 2022

This dataset consists of one data file (CSV) from a nationally open survey for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples involved or interested in ecosystem restoration of marine and coastal habitats. The survey elicited 8 responses, although not all were complete, and gathered perceptions of engagement in restoration by researchers and practitioners.
