Recent datasets

Published on 3 September 2014

This dataset contains line features depicting road classification within the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area. There are five categories of roads in the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area roads where motor vehicle use is allowed by the public. These are as follows:
1. State-controlled road: roads which form part of the State’s road network.
2. Community access road: significant roads for local community transport.
3. Presentation road: roads which provide opportunities for presentation of the WHA

Published on 3 September 2014

This dataset contains polygons depicting geology as deliniated by botanist J.P.Stanton and geologist D.J.Stanton within the Wet Tropics bioregion.

The geology mapping of the Wet Tropics Bioregion is based on interpretation of aerial photographs during WTMAs Vegetation of the Wet Tropics of Queensland bioregion mapping project. Aerial photography was also used to select sites and traverses for ground truthing work. The geological classification and boundaries were based on their relevence to vegetation patterns.

Published on 3 September 2014

This dataset contains point features depicting mountains, peaks, mountain ranges and hills and their names. Ranges are located with a point or series of points in the approximate vicinity of the feature.

Mountain data originated from 1:250,000 scale AUSLIG supplied topographic data (repromats). Corrections were made to locate the points accurately to the 1:100,000 scale National Topographic Map Series. Georeferenced Topographic Maps are dated 1966.

This dataset consists of a 90 KB point shapefile containing 344 features.

Published on 3 September 2014

This dataset is a complete state-wide digital land use map of Queensland. The dataset is a product of the Queensland Land Use Mapping Program (QLUMP) and was produced by the Queensland Government. It presents the most current mapping of land use features for Queensland, including the land use mapping products from 1999, 2006 and 2009, in a single feature layer. This dataset was last updated July 2012. The dataset comprises an ESRI vector geodatabase at a nominal scale of 1:50,000 in coastal regions and 1:100 000 in Western Queensland.

Published on 14 August 2014

Surveys were carried out in targeted shallow seabed environments within the proposed Oceanic Shoals Commonwealth Marine Reserve (CMR) in the Timor Sea.

Published on 5 August 2014

Surveys of green (no-take) zoned sites and blue (open to fishing) sites in adjacent areas of the northern Great Barrier Reef Marine Park were carried out to determine any effects which might be attributable to a change in zoning plan in 2004. Assessment of the fish communities was enumerated using baited underwater video sets (BRUVS) and towed video.'Cardwell shoals' comprised Brook Shoal (MNP-18-1077) as the site in the green zone; and Eva Rock and Forty Foot Rock as sites in in the "blue" zone in July, September and December 2006, November 2007 and May 2010.

Published on 5 August 2014

Towed video (Towvid) surveys were undertaken in February/March 2007 and August/September 2007 on two pairs of discrete deepwater shoals in the mid-shelf section of the southern Great Barrier Reef. Within each pair, one shoal was from a 'green zone' (closed to all fishing) and the other from a 'blue zone' (open to fishing), based on the rezoning of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, carried out in 2004. The pairs of reefs chosen were: East Warregos (green) and West Warregos (blue); Barcoo Bank (green) and Karamea Bank (blue).

Published on 4 August 2014

Surveys were undertaken in February/March and August/September 2007 (Autumn and Spring) and October 2009 (Spring) on two pairs of discrete deepwater shoals in the mid-shelf section of the southern Great Barrier Reef - East and West Warregos; Karamea and Barcoo Banks. Within each pair, one shoal was from a 'Green' (closed to all fishing) and the other from a 'Blue' (open to fishing) zone, based on the rezoning carried out in 2004.

Published on 4 August 2014

Baited Remote Underwater Video Stations (BRUVS (TM)) were deployed in August/September 2007 and January 2008 to survey assemblages of fish, sharks, rays and sea snakes at deep water sites (40-60 m) in South Scott Reef lagoon. The survey program was aimed at detecting impacts of the 2007 seismic acquisition (Maxima 3D Marine Seismic Survey or Maxima 3D MSS) conducted by Woodside Energy Ltd., which covered an area of approximately 362 km² of the lagoon.Two series of BRUVS (TM) surveys were conducted.

Published on 4 August 2014

A baseline survey of 5 green zoned sites on Magnetic Shoals together with 4 adjacent blue zoned areas of the marine park. Surveys were carried out in July, September, October and November 2006 to assess any seasonal effects on the fish and benthic communities in addition to potential zoning effects. The Shoals are characterised by a mosaic of rich epibenthic filter feeding communities typically surrounded by low relief algae and seagrasses.

Published on 4 August 2014

Surveys were undertaken in January/February 2009 (summer) at the Capricorn-Bunker, Pompey and Swains Groups on deepwater reef bases (shoals) in the Great Barrier Reef. In each survey, reefs were paired with one zoned 'green' (closed to fishing) and the other 'blue' (open to all fishing) - 16 pairs of reefs.

Published on 28 February 2013

During the central and eastern Torres Strait survey in November 2006, tissue samples of 10 individuals of the sponge Coscinoderma matthewsi were collected from 5 island groups: Ugar (Stephen Island) and Erub (Darnley Island) in eastern Torres Strait; and the Masig group (Kodall Island and Keats Island), Poruma (Coconut Island) and Warraber (Sue Island) in central Torres Strait. These island groups are on average, 66 km apart. All sponge samples were placed in separate cryo-tubes and preserved in liquid nitrogen until they could be stored at -80°C.

Published on 25 February 2013

Size frequency surveys of the sponges Coscinoderma matthewsi, Hyrtios erecta and Ianthella basta (yellow color morph) were conducted at Masig Island, central Torres Strait, in March 2007. At each of eight sites, separated by at least 200 m, three randomly positioned 30 x 1 m transects were surveyed, with each transect separated by at least 20 m. All transects were located on sloping reef at between 10 and 12 m depth.The greatest dimension of each sponge was measured for Coscinoderma matthewsi and Ianthella basta, and used as an approximation of overall sponge size.

Published on 17 October 2012

Surveys were undertaken in February/March 2007 (Autumn), August/September 2007 (Spring) and October 2009 (Spring) on two pairs of discrete deepwater shoals in the mid-shelf section of the southern Great Barrier Reef. The objective was to find pairs of shoals that were matched in terms of depth, habitat, areal extent, cross shelf position and latitude. Within each pair, one shoal was to be from a 'green zone' (closed to all fishing) and the other from a 'blue zone' (open to fishing), based on the rezoning of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, carried out in 2004.

Published on 14 February 2012

This project conducted a biodiversity assessment of coral communities on Torres Strait reefs to establish a baseline of coral condition and start a longer-term monitoring program of selected coral reefs in the region. The monitoring looked for changes in the condition of coral reefs and documented factors that might contribute to changes including COTS, disease, bleaching, temperature anomalies etc. As part of this project, an early warning system was established for coral bleaching.

Published on 10 June 2010

The coral, Acropora millepora and the crustose coralline algae, Neogoniolithon fosliei were exposed to 3 photosystem II (PSII) herbicides (diuron, hexazinone and atrazine). Corals were collected at depths between 1 and 3m from Double Cone Island and Hayman Island in the Whitsunday group. The crustose coralline algae was collected from Davies Reef at depths between 5 and 7m.Experiments assessed the effects of the variables temperature (26, 30, 31, 32 °C) in combination with 3 herbicide concentrations, and exposure duration (up to 7 days) on photosynthetic efficiency and bleaching.

Published on 8 June 2010

Using a quantitative genetics approach, the proportion of the variance in thermal tolerance traits that has a genetic basis (i.e. heritability) was estimated as a proxy for their adaptive potential in the widespread Indo-Pacific reef-building coral Acropora millepora.

Published on 2 June 2010

Samples of S. flexibilis were collected from a total of 11 sites from inshore and offshore reefs within the Torres Strait, Cairns, Townsville and Whitsunday regions of the Great Barrier Reef between December 1998 and February 2000.

Published on 1 June 2010

As part of MTSRF Task 2.5i.2, a range of indices were investigated to quantify upwelling on the central Great Barrier Reef (GBR), Australia. These indices are necessary for exploring environmental and biological relationships in areas where upwelling may be sporadic and less intense, especially along western boundary currents such as the East Australian Current.

Published on 4 May 2010

Next generation DNA sequencing was used to scan a large proportion of the transcribed coding DNA in Acropora millepora for polymorphisms. Transcribed coding DNA (messenger RNA - mRNA) was extracted from 8 colonies sampled at three thermally distinct habitats along the GBR (Wilke Island Reef in Princess Charlotte Bay, Nelly Bay at Magnetic Island, and Miall Island in the Keppel Islands). The mRNA extractions from each population were pooled and translated back to the complementary DNA (cDNA), which was sequenced using 454 pyrosequencing by the Australian Genome Research Facility.
