Recent datasets

Published on 10 December 2015

This project uses genetic parentage analysis, biophysical modelling and information on coral trout larval behaviour to determine patterns of recruitment of coral trout larvae within and among inshore and offshore reefs in the southern Great Barrier Reef. The overall goal of this project will be to assess larval dispersal patterns, demographic connectivity and levels of recruitment subsidies from green zones at a regional scale. Tasks include:

Published on 10 December 2015

There are 10 major trading ports along the Great Barrier Reef coast. The waters of most of these ports are within the Great Barrier Reef Region, but not within the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park.

In recognition of the outstanding values of the Great Barrier Reef, there are stringent management arrangements for commercial shipping in the waters of the Great Barrier Reef, which is designated a Particularly Sensitive Sea Area by the International Maritime Organisation. Shipping traffic is confined to Designated Shipping Areas in the Great Barrier Reef Region.

Published on 10 December 2015

This dataset consists of site means of the density of derelict fishing line, the percent cover of major benthic categories on fringing coral reefs of the Keppel, Whitsunday and Palm Island groups, and the accumulation rate of fishing line at ten sites in the Palm Islands between 2007 and 2009.

Published on 10 December 2015

This dataset contains Active Licenses, Effort days, Harvest Weight and GVP for the Queensland commercial harvest, line, net, pot and trawl fisheries. The data is provided on a 30 min grid for locations where there are more than 5 licensed operators.

Commercial fishers and charter fishers are required by law to complete daily logbooks. Commercial fishing logbooks are used to record: overall catch, time spent fishing, location where catch was taken and fishing equipment used. This data is then managed by the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF).

Published on 10 December 2015

The data consists of ten minute readings of above water meteorological parameters (wind speed, wind direction, barometric pressure, air temperature and humidity) from a Vaisala WTX520 instrument, above water light as Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) from a Li-COR Li-192 sensor and below water parameters including Salinity using a Sea-Bird SBE37 CTD and temperature via a Sea-Bird SBE39 temperature sensor. Data are from two sites, one at Madge Reef near Thursday Island (-10.595125° | 142.220572°) and one at Masig (Yorke) Island (-9.758293° | 143.397584°).

Published on 10 December 2015

This dataset shows the spatial distribution of the number of visitors to the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park based on visitation rates collected from the Environmental Management Charge (EMC) managed by GBRMPA. The spatial information has been quantised into a 0.1 degree grid size.

This data only represents visitors to the Great Barrier Reef who used commercial tourist operations. Data is collected and updated quarterly following receipt of Environmental Management Charge returns from tourism operators. This dataset is a set of annual snapshots of this monthly data.

Published on 10 December 2015

The Reef Check Australia monitoring program acts as an early warning system for coral community health. Annual surveys provide long-term data that can reveal patterns over time. Trained community volunteers collect quantitative data on the Great Barrier Reef and in the Southeast Queensland coral habitats. Data include substrate percent cover, abundance of key invertebrate species and target fish species. Data on natural and anthropogenic impacts on coral community health are also recorded.

Published on 10 December 2015

* Catch data from fisheries independent sampling in inshore habitats (inshore reefs, intertidal flats/foreshores, seagrasses and mangroves) of the GBRWHA (Cleveland Bay and Halifax Bay) using bottom-set multihook research lines (long lines) geared to capturing sharks
* Data includes catch and effort data for all species captured.
* Data includes biological data of captured blacktip reef sharks - BTS (Carcharhinus melanopterus).

Published on 10 December 2015

Sharks play an important role in marine ecosystems but are facing increasing pressure from fishing and other anthropogenic factors. Along the Queensland coast inshore waters play an important role as nursery areas for sharks. However, the same inshore waters are also most prone to fisheries exploitation and effects of freshwater discharge from coastal streams and rivers. This project will examine the importance of different types of inshore habitat (protected bay vs.

Published on 10 December 2015

Overall the key objectives of this program are to:
1. Identify and map the principal foraging locations for shearwaters and boobies breeding at the most important colonies of the GBR, both within and between breeding seasons, using a combination of different Geolocation, GPS and Satellite PTT data loggers;
2. Obtain detailed information on the biophysical oceanographic characteristics of these foraging habitats in both the GBR and Coral Sea regions using a range of biophysical parameters derived from satellite and in situ data;

Published on 10 December 2015

This is data associated with MTSRF Task 4.8.4s, a MTSRF supported PhD project titled /Biology and ecology of the blacktip reef shark/. As part of this project, basic water quality data were collected during shark tagging trips at the study site - Cockle Bay Reef at Magnetic Island. The meta data regarding these shark catch and tagging trips are recorded in a separate data file.

Basic water quality of Cockle Bay was measured at weekly to monthly intervals with handheld instruments - a YSI water quality meter (temp, salinity, condutivity, dissolved oxygen), and secchi disk depth.

Published on 10 December 2015

The purpose of this study was to quantify patterns in skeletal density, linear extension and calcification throughout the GBR based on the AIMS Coral Core Archive of 328 colonies of massive Porites from 69 reefs. Annual data for the three growth parameters, skeletal density, annual extension, and calcification rate (the product of skeletal density and annual extension) were obtained from each colony using standard x-ray and gamma densitometry techniques.

Published on 10 December 2015

This dataset shows the extent of the dugong sanctuary in the Torres Strait which prohibits the taking of dugong (area, gear and method restrictions).

The dugong sanctuary is a legislative boundary which is outlined in the Torres Strait Fisheries Management Notice No. 65 .

This dataset is for research purposes and is not authoritative. Refer to the legislation for the authoritative definition of the sanctuary.

Published on 10 December 2015

This dataset shows the location and size of the 9 islands, cays and rocks that make up the Warraberalgahl and Porumalgal Indigenous Protected Area (IPA). The IPA is recognised as part of the National Reserve System and was officially declared on the 18/07/2014.
The declared area covers approximately 63 hectares. The following Islands, Cays and Rocks make up the IPA: Atub, Bara, Bini, Babui, Guiya, Maza Guiya, Miggi Maituin, Ugain and Ulu.

Published on 10 December 2015

The purpose of this study was to quantify patterns in octocoral biodiversity and their environmental drivers on the GBR. The data are based on visual surveys of octocoral communities (soft corals and sea fans) on 163 GBR reefs. Octocorals contain taxa with and without endosymbiotic microalgae (zooxanthellae), and these two groups have contrasting distributions and ecological niches (Fabricius and De’ath 2008). Richness is therefore presented as number of taxa with and without zooxanthellae.

Published on 10 December 2015

To date the seabird research program has:

Published on 9 December 2015

This project will monitor and study dugongs, dolphins and turtles along the coast of the GBRWHA with the following key tasks:

1. Determine the distribution and status of inshore dolphins in the northern Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area (GBRWHA) by identifying likely important habitats based on collaboration with Tradition Owners and published information, then conduct line transect surveys (along with biopsy samples) in the Cardwell area (Girringun) and Bathurst Bay (far northern GBR).

Published on 9 December 2015

This dataset contains a series of high resolution raster Digital Elevation Models (DEM) (1m resolution) around the coastal perimeter of Torres Strait community islands (Badu, Boigu, Dauan, Erub, Hammond, Iama, Mabuiag, Masig, Mer, Moa, Poruma, Saibai, Ugar, Warraber). This dataset was developed for the purpose of mapping levels of coastal inundation under different sea level rise and storm tide scenarios.

Published on 9 December 2015

This dataset consists of one data file (spreadsheet) from a 2 week aquarium experiment manipulating pH (pCO2) changes and measuring photosynthetic and growth responses of three tropical seagrass species (Cymodocea serrulata, Halodule uninervis and Thalassia hemprichii).

The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that increased pCO2 would increase photosynthetic and growth rates to various extents between seagrass species.


Published on 9 December 2015

This dataset consists of one csv data file from field derived experiments at tropical carbon dioxide seeps in Papua New Guinea, measuring the response parameters: calcification, photosynthesis, carbon and nitrogen contents and carbon isotopic signatures on Halimeda opuntia grown under ocean acidification conditions.
